Albuquerque Journal from Albuquerque, New Mexico (2024)

ALBUQUERQUE JOURNAL TUESDAY, MAY 21, 2024 B7 505.823.4400 SUBSCRIBE SPEAK TO A LOCAL CUSTOMER SERVICE AGENT NEW MEXICO TAXATION AND REVENUE DEPART- MENT NOTICE OF PROPOSED RULEMAKING The New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department hereby gives notice as required under Section NMSA 1978 and NMAC that it proposes to replace and enact certain rules and regulations pertaining to the Gross Receipts and Com- pensating Tax Act. The State Records Center and Archives Administrative Law Division is requiring a repeal and replace of the entire regulation part Title 3: Taxation, Chapter 2: Gross Receipts Taxes, Part 116 Exemption Gross Re- ceipts Tax Occasional Sale of Property or Services Title 3: Taxation, Chapter 2: Gross Re- ceipts Taxes, Part 211: Deduc- tion Gross Receipts Tax Sale or Lease of Real Property and Lease of Manufactured Homes. Applicability in order to make this amendment, citing Regulation Subsection of NMAC: Summary of Proposed Changes: The New Mexico Taxation and Revenue Department proposes to amend and enact the follow- ing rule(s): Imposition of Gross Receipts and Compensating Tax Act For ease of reference these changes are shown as amendments, see below on where to locate copies of the proposed rules: Section 7-9-28 NMSA 1978 Criteria Used In Determining Isolated Or Occa- sional Sales License To Do Business Or Holding Out To Do Business Hangin Three Or Fewer Rental Persons Having Rental Units Sale Or Leasing The Same Or Similar Property: And Fees: Trustee Fees: Safe Harbor Lease Section 7-9-53 NMSA 1978 Definitions: Receipts From Providing Accommodations: Amount Attributable To Improvements And The Cost Of Land: Remodeling Or Other Improvements: Utilities Sale Of Company Facilities Lease Of vertising Tangible Per- sonal Property: Service Station Equipment Lease Re- General Exam- ples: Locker Rooms In A Storage Warehouse Units: Receipts From Li- cense To Use Real Property: New Assisted Living Facilities Section NMSA 1978 New 7.3.30X.7 Definition New 7.3.30X.8 Claiming Section 7-9-121 NMSA 1978 New 7.3.30X.7 Definition New 7.3.30X.8 Claiming Technical Information: No tech- nical information was consulted in drafting these proposed rule changes. Purpose of Proposed Rule: The proposed repeal and re- place is in accordance with the SRCA requirements. The regulation changes to Section 7-9-28 NMSA 1978 are to up- date the exemption language to clarify that short-term rentals that are similar to hotels and motels do not qualify for the isolated and occasional exemp- tion from gross receipts tax.

It also clarifies for certain types of transactions why a person would not be seen as engaging in business in New Mexico and would therefore qualify for the isolated and occasional exemp- tion. These regulations are also updated to make them more general focusing on the lan- guage of the statute rather than a specific industry. The regulation under Section 7-9-53 NMSA 1978 is updated to ad- dress assisted living facilities and make examples more gen- eral where possible. The new regulation parts are to address the two new gross receipts tax credits that will be effective July 1, 2024, in HB-252 from the 2024 legislative session, Section 14: Credit gross re- ceipts tax legal services for wildfire compensation recovery, and Section 15: credit gross receipts tax sale of dyed special fuel used for agricul- tural purposes. Notice of Public Rule Hearing: A public hearing will be held on the proposed rule changes on Thursday, June 20, 2024, from 1 PM to 2 PM at the 3rd floor in the Montoya Building, 1100 South St.

Francis Drive, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504. The hearing will be recorded, and oral comments can be made during the public hearing. Writ- ten comments can be submit- ted as outlined at the end of this notice. Virtual meeting access also available using Join Zoom Meeting: TJEZVNIenZ0S3VUV2Nud- Meeting ID: 658 649 1797 Passcode: 062024 LEGALS STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF BERNALILLO SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT. Cause No.

D-202-CV- 2024-03089. CITY OF AL- BUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, a municipal corporation, Plaintiff, By: Action in rem. To: Lawrence V. Shain, Rachel R. Shain, and all other unknown heirs, unknown persons and unknown claimants who may have some right, title, interest, claim or lien in the property, Defendants.

Filed 2nd Judicial District Court Bernalillo County 1:32 PM. Katina Watson, Clerk of the Court. Jennie L. Sotelo. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE OF LIENS BY THE CITY OF ALBUQUER- QUE.

All persons and corpora- tions named above and any and all unknown persons who may have or claim an interest in the property located at 247 Espanola St NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico, legally described in Exhibit attached hereto and incorporated herein, are hereby notified that the filing of this Notice of Foreclosure, pursuant to NMSA 1978 3-36-6, with the Clerk of the District Court constitutes the complaint and commencement by the City of Albuquerque of an action in the District Court of Bernalillo County to fore- close the liens herein de- scribed by foreclosure proceed- ings in rem, and that the filing of a duplicate original of this Notice in the office of the County Clerk of Bernalillo County where the land is situated constitutes notice of pendency of the action against the real property only and is to foreclose the liens described in this notice. Attached hereto in Exhibit and incorporated herein by reference is a description of the property which is sought to be fore- closed in this action. Exhibit reflects the property address, parcel number (UPC), legal description, name(s) of the property owner(s), other parties who claim an interest in the property, the date of the lien, document number in the records of the clerk of Ber- nalillo County, New Mexico, the basis for the lien including the city ordinance or state statute authorizing such lien, the original amount of the lien, the date of last payment, and the total amount due including pen- alties and interest. The prop- erty described in Exhibit is subject to one or more of the following types of liens as de- tailed in Exhibit Claim of Lien for Boarding, Cleanup or Repair N.M., Rev. Ordinances of Al- buquerque (ROA 1994) and NMSA 1978 and to 7.

Delinquent water, sewer and solid waste charges, NMSA 1978 Albuquerque, N.M., Rev. Ordinances of Al- buquerque (ROA 1994), and ABCWUA Water and Sewer Ordinance (B). Certif- icate of Substandard fees pursuant to Al- buquerque, N.M., Rev. Ordi- nances of Albuquerque (ROA 1994), and NMSA 1978 The assessments and charges reflected in Exhibit are now delinquent and the total due and payable including penalties and interest are shown thereon. The City of Albuquerque elects and de- clares that the total unpaid balance is now due and pay- able.

All interested parties are hereby notified that a copy of this Notice is on file in the office of the Municipal Clerk and is open to public inspection during normal business hours for a period of sixty (60) days from the date this Notice was filed in the District Court. Take further notice that any person having or claiming to have an interest in any such parcel or parcels and the legal right thereto, may, on or before sixty (60) days from the date of the filing of this Notice with the Clerk of the District Court, by paying to the municipality the amounts due, including interest The rule proposals were placed on file in the Office of the Secretary on May 6, 2024. Pursuant to Regulation NMAC under Section NMSA 1978 of the Taxation and Revenue Department Act, the final of the proposals, if filed, will be filed as required by law on or about July 16, 2024. Individuals with disabilities who need any form of auxiliary aid to attend or participate in the public hearing are asked to contact Bobbie Marquez at The Taxation and Revenue Department will make every effort to accommodate all rea- sonable requests but cannot guarantee accommodation of a request that is not received at least ten calendar days prior to the scheduled hearing.

Copies of the proposed rules may be found at: or are available upon request by con- tacting the Tax Policy Office at Notice of Acceptance of Writ- ten Public Comment: Written comments on the proposals can be submitted by email to or by mail to the Taxation and Rev- enue Department, Tax Informa- tion and Policy Office, Post Office Box 630, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504-0630 on or by 5PM on Thursday, June 20, 2024. All written comments re- ceived by the agency will be posted on proposed-regulations-hearing- no more than 3 business days following receipt to allow for public review. Journal: May 21, 2024 LEGALS STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF BERNALILLO SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT.

Cause No. D-202-CV- 2024-03082. CITY OF AL- BUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, a municipal corporation, Plaintiff, By: Action in rem. To: Lester Cordel Bottoms, Jo- sephine Garcia Josie Garcia Josephine Aragon, The United States of America Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service, State of New Mexico Depart- ment of Workforce Solutions, and all other unknown heirs, unknown persons and un- known claimants who may have some right, title, interest, claim or lien in the hereinafter mentioned property. Defen- dants.

Filed 2nd Judicial Dis- trict Court Bernalillo County 10:58 AM. Katina Watson, Clerk of the Court. Jennie L. Sotelo. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE OF LIENS BY THE CITY OF ALBUQUER- QUE.

All persons and corpora- tions named above and any and all unknown persons who may have or claim an interest in the property located at 225 Utah St NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico, legally described in Exhibit attached hereto and incorporated herein, are hereby notified that the filing of this Notice of Foreclosure, pursuant to NMSA 1978 3-36-6, with the Clerk of the District Court constitutes the complaint and commencement by the City of Albuquerque of an action in the District Court of Bernalillo County to fore- close the liens herein de- scribed by foreclosure proceed- ings in rem, and that the filing of a duplicate original of this Notice in the office of the County Clerk of Bernalillo County where the land is situated constitutes notice of pendency of the action against the real property only and is to foreclose the liens described in this notice. Attached hereto in Exhibit and incorporated herein by reference is a description of the property which is sought to be fore- closed in this action. Exhibit reflects the property address, parcel number (UPC), legal description, name(s) of the property owner(s), other parties who claim an interest in the property, the date of the lien, document number in the records of the clerk of Ber- nalillo County, New Mexico, the basis for the lien including the city ordinance or state statute authorizing such lien, the original amount of the lien, the date of last payment, and the total amount due including pen- alties and interest. The prop- erty described in Exhibit is subject to one or more of the following types of liens as de- tailed in Exhibit Claim of Lien for Boarding, Cleanup or Repair N.M., Rev. Ordinances of Al- buquerque (ROA 1994) and NMSA 1978 and to 7.

Delinquent water, sewer and solid waste charges, NMSA 1978 Albuquerque, N.M., Rev. Ordinances of Al- buquerque (ROA 1994), and amounts due, including interest and penalties due thereon, computed to the date of pay- ment, fees and costs, or at the option of the municipality, by paying to the municipality the amount of the unpaid installments thereon, plus all interest and penalties due thereon computed to the date of payment, fees and costs, move for dis- missal of the foreclosure with or without prejudice, as ap- plicable. Ethan Watson, CITY CLERK. ATTEST: CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE Lauren Keefe, City Attorney Jeannette M. Whittaker, Assis- tant City Attorney, PO Box 2248, Albuquerque, NM 87103, (505) 768-4500,

EXHIBIT A. Property Espanola St NE. Parcel Number (UPC) 101905712319631000. Legal Description: Lot numbered Twenty-six (26) in Block num- bered Four (4) of LA MESA, a Subdivision in the West One- half (W. of the Southwest One-quarter (S.

Section 19, Town-ship 10 North, Range 4 East, N.M.P.M., near Al- buquerque in Bernalillo County, New Mexico, as the same is shown and designated on said Subdivision, filed in the Office of the County Clerk in Ber- nalillo County, New Mexico, on March 14, 1933. Owner Name: Lawrence V. Shain, Rachel R. Shain, Other Parties Who May Claim an Interest in Property: All other unknown heirs, un- known persons and unknown claimants who may have some right, title, interest, claim or lien in the property. Date of Lien: Document Number: 2020080822.

Basis for Lien: Boarding, Cleanup or Repair et seq. R.O.A., et seq. NMSA 1978. Original Lien Amount: $22,221.88. Total Lien Amount Including Penalties and Interest through $31,802.29.

Date of Lien: Document Number: 2020129406. Basis for Lien: Boarding, Cleanup or Repair et seq. R.O.A., et seq. NMSA 1978. Original Lien Amount: $15,383.87.

Date of Last Pay- ment: Total Lien Amount Including Penalties and Interest through $21,408.58. Date of Lien: Account Number: 1477349560. Basis for Lien: Delinquent solid waste charges, NMSA 1978 R.O.A. 1994. Date of Last Pay- ment: Total Lien Amount Including Penalties and Interest through $820.48.

TO- TAL: $54,031.35. Journal: May 14, 21, 2024 LEGALS STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF BERNALILLO SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT. Cause No: D-202-CV- 2024-03077. CITY OF AL- BUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, a municipal corporation, Plaintiff, By: Action in rem. To: The Estate of Michael Ewasiuk, and all other unknown heirs, unknown persons and un- known claimants who may have some right, title, interest, claim or lien in the hereinafter mentioned property.

Defen- dants. Filed 2nd Judicial Dis- trict Court Bernalillo County 11:25 AM. Katina Watson, Clerk of the Court. Jennie L. Sotelo.

NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE OF LIENS BY THE CITY OF ALBUQUER- QUE. All persons and corpora- tions named above and any and all unknown persons who may have or claim an interest in the property located at 201 Utah St NE, Albuquerque, New Mexico, legally described in Exhibit attached hereto and incorporated herein, are hereby notified that the filing of this Notice of Foreclosure, pursuant to NMSA 1978 3-36-6, with the Clerk of the District Court constitutes the complaint and commencement by the City of Albuquerque of an action in the District Court buquerque (ROA 1994), and ABCWUA Water and Sewer Ordinance (B). Certif- icate of Substandard fees pursuant to Al- buquerque, N.M., Rev. Ordi- nances of Albuquerque (ROA 1994), and NMSA 1978 The assessments and charges reflected in Exhibit are now delinquent and the total due and payable including penalties and interest are shown thereon. The City of Albuquerque elects and de- clares that the total unpaid balance is now due and pay- able.

All interested parties are hereby notified that a copy of this Notice is on file in the office of the Municipal Clerk and is open to public inspection during normal business hours for a period of sixty (60) days from the date this Notice was filed in the District Court. Take further notice that any person having or claiming to have an interest in any such parcel or parcels and the legal right thereto, may, on or before sixty (60) days from the date of the filing of this Notice with the Clerk of the District Court, by paying to the municipality the amounts due, including interest and penalties due thereon, computed to the date of pay- ment, fees and costs, or at the option of the municipality, by paying to the municipality the amount of the unpaid installments thereon, plus all interest and penalties due thereon computed to the date of payment, fees and costs, move for dis- missal of the foreclosure with or without prejudice, as ap- plicable. Ethan Watson, CITY CLERK. ATTEST: CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE Lauren Keefe, City Attorney Jeannette M. Whittaker, Assis- tant City Attorney, PO Box 2248, Albuquerque, NM 87103, (505) 768-4500,

EXHIBIT A. Property Address 225 Utah St NE. Par- cel Number (UPC) 101905740217042000 Legal Description numbered Thirty-five (35) and Thirty-Six (36) in Block numbered Thir- teen (13) of the Mesa Verde Addition to the City of Al- buquerque, as the same are shown and designated on the Map of said Addition, filed in the Office of the County Clerk of Bernalillo County, New Mexico, on November 17, Owner Name Lester Cordel Bottoms Other Parties Who May Claim an Interest in Property Garcia Josie Garcia, Jo- sephine Aragon The United States of America Department of the Treasury Internal Rev- enue Service State of New Mexico Department of Work- force Solutions, All other un- known heirs, unknown persons and unknown claimants who may have some right, title, interest, claim or lien in the Date of Lien Document Number 2022013253. Basis for Lien: Boarding, Cleanup or Repair et seq. R.O.A., et seq.

NMSA Original Lien Amount $865.00. Total Lien Amount Including Penalties and Interest through $1,106.25. Date of Lien Document Number 2022013276. Basis for Lien Cleanup or Repair et seq. R.O.A., et seq.

NMSA Original Lien Amount $140.00 Date of Last Payment Total Lien Amount Includ- ing Penalties and Interest through $140.00. Date of Lien Document Number 2023003095 Basis for Lien: Boarding, Cleanup or Repair et seq. R.O.A., et seq. NMSA Original Lien Amount $14,612.39. Date of Last Pay- ment Total Lien Amount Including Penalties and Interest through $16,683.12.

Date of Lien Account Number 1017527257. Basis for Lien: Delinquent water, sewer and solid waste charges, NMSA 1978 11F)(2). R.O.A. 1994, and AB- CWUA Water and Sewer Ordi- nance (B). Date of Last Payment Total Lien Amount Including Penalties and Interest through $12,382.68.

TOTAL: $30,312.05. Journal: May 14, 21, 2024 LEGALS an action in the District Court of Bernalillo County to fore- close the liens herein de- scribed by foreclosure proceed- ings in rem, and that the filing of a duplicate original of this Notice in the office of the County Clerk of Bernalillo County where the land is situated constitutes notice of pendency of the action against the real property only and is to foreclose the liens described in this notice. Attached hereto in Exhibit and incorporated herein by reference is a description of the property which is sought to be fore- closed in this action. Exhibit reflects the property address, parcel number (UPC), legal description, name(s) of the property owner(s), other parties who claim an interest in the property, the date of the lien, document number in the records of the clerk of Ber- nalillo County, New Mexico, the basis for the lien including the city ordinance or state statute authorizing such lien, the original amount of the lien, the date of last payment, and the total amount due including pen- alties and interest. The prop- erty described in Exhibit is subject to one or more of the following types of liens as de- tailed in Exhibit Claim of Lien for Boarding, Cleanup or Repair N.M., Rev.

Ordinances of Al- buquerque (ROA 1994) and NMSA 1978 and to 7. Delinquent water, sewer and solid waste charges, NMSA 1978 Albuquerque, N.M., Rev. Ordinances of Al- buquerque (ROA 1994), and ABCWUA Water and Sewer Ordinance (B). Certif- icate of Substandard fees pursuant to Al- buquerque, N.M., Rev. Ordi- nances of Albuquerque (ROA 1994), and NMSA 1978 The assessments and charges reflected in Exhibit are now delinquent and the total due and payable including penalties and interest are shown thereon.

The City of Albuquerque elects and de- clares that the total unpaid balance is now due and pay- able. All interested parties are hereby notified that a copy of this Notice is on file in the office of the Municipal Clerk and is open to public inspection during normal business hours for a period of sixty (60) days from the date this Notice was filed in the District Court. Take further notice that any person having or claiming to have an interest in any such parcel or parcels and the legal right thereto, may, on or before sixty (60) days from the date of the filing of this Notice with the Clerk of the District Court, by paying to the municipality the amounts due, including interest and penalties due thereon, computed to the date of pay- ment, fees and costs, or at the option of the municipality, by paying to the municipality the amount of the unpaid installments thereon, plus all interest and penalties due thereon computed to the date of payment, fees and costs, move for dis- missal of the foreclosure with or without prejudice, as ap- plicable. Ethan Watson, CITY CLERK. ATTEST: CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE Lauren Keefe, City Attorney Jeannette M.

Whittaker, Assis- tant City Attorney, PO Box 2248, Albuquerque, NM 87103, (505) 768-4500, EXHIBIT A. Property Address: 201 Utah St NE. Par- cel Number (UPC) 101905740114042002. Legal Description Lot numbered Forty-seven (47) and Forty- eight (48) in Block numbered Thirteen (13) of MESA VERDE ADDITION to the City of Al- buquerque, New Mexico, as the same are shown and des- ignated on the plat of said Addition, filed in the office of the County Clerk of Bernalillo County, New Mexico, on the 17th day of November, 1939; AND including Northerly va- cated Thirty (30) feet of Do- mingo Road N.E.

lying imme- diately South of and adjacent to said Lot 48. Owner Name: Estate of Michael Ewasiuk, De- ceased. Other Parties Who May Claim an Interest in Prop- erty: All other unknown heirs, unknown persons and un- known claimants who may have some right, title, interest, claim or lien in the property. Date of Lien: Document Number: 2022013253. Basis for Lien Boarding, Cleanup or Repair et seq.

R.O.A., et seq. NMSA 1978. Original Lien Amount: $865.00. Total Lien Amount Including Penalties and Interest through $1,106.25. Date of Lien: Document Number: 2022013276.

Basis for Lien: Boarding, Cleanup or Repair et seq. R.O.A., et seq. NMSA 1978. Original Lien Amount: $140.00. Date of Last Pay- ment: Total Lien Amount Including Penalties and Interest through $140.00.

Date of Lien: Document Number: 2023003095. Basis for Lien: Boarding, Cleanup or Repair et seq. R.O.A., et seq. NMSA 1978. Original Lien Amount $14,612.39.

Date of Last Pay- ment: Total Lien Amount Including Penalties and Interest through $16,683.12 Date of Lien: Account Number: 1913349560. Basis for Lien: Delinquent water, sewer and solid waste charges, NMSA 1978 R.O.A. 1994, and ABCWUA Water and Sewer Ordinance (B). Date of Last Payment: Total Lien Amount Including LEGALS STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF BERNALILLO SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT. Cause No.

D-202-CV- 2024-03091. CITY OF AL- BUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, a municipal corporation, Plaintiff, By: Action in rem. To: Donna Leigh McClain, all other unknown heirs, unknown per- sons and unknown claimants who may have some right, title, interest, claim or lien in the hereinafter mentioned property. Defendants. Filed 2nd Judicial District Court Bernalillo County 2:34 PM.

Katina Watson, Clerk of the Court. Jacqueline B. Trujillo. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE OF LIENS BY THE CITY OF AL- BUQUERQUE. All persons and corporations named above and any and all unknown persons who may have or claim an interest in the property located at 615 Arno St SE, Albuquer- que, New Mexico, legally de- scribed in Exhibit attached hereto and incorporated herein, are hereby notified that the filing of this Notice of Foreclo- sure, pursuant to NMSA 1978 3-36-6, with the Clerk of the District Court constitutes the complaint and commencement by the City of Albuquerque of an action in the District Court of Bernalillo County to fore- close the liens herein de- scribed by foreclosure proceed- ings in rem, and that the filing of a duplicate original of this Notice in the office of the County Clerk of Bernalillo County where the land is situated constitutes notice of pendency of the action against the real property only and is to foreclose the liens described in this notice.

Attached hereto in Exhibit and incorporated herein by reference is a description of the property which is sought to be fore- closed in this action. Exhibit reflects the property address, parcel number (UPC), legal NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEET- ING NORTHERN AREA LOCAL WORKFORCE DEVELOP- MENT BOARD Full Board Meeting The Northern Area Local Work- force Development Board will hold a hybrid Full Board Meet- ing on Monday, June 10th, 2024, at the Northern Area Local Workforce Development Board Conference Room lo- cated at 525 Camino De Los Marquez, Suite 250, Santa Fe, NM 87505. This meeting will begin at 10:00 A.M. For addi- tional information, including a meeting agenda, please see on our website org or contact the NALWDB at (505) 986-0363 or email your request to If you are an individual with a disability and require assis- tance, auxiliary aids and ser- vice, alternate formats in order to participate, please contact the NALWDB by submitting a written request to the NALWDB, 1000 Cordova Place, PMB 810, Santa Fe, NM 87505 stating the disability and type of accommodation re- quired at least 5 days prior to the meeting. Journal: May 21, 2024 Legal Notice New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technol- ogy, 801 Leroy Place, Socorro, NM 87801 is accepting offers for the following: RFP 240526M for Crane Rental.

The RFP may be accessed at: Sealed proposals for Crane Rental at New Mexico Institute for Mining and Technology will be received at the Purchasing Services Office, 801 Leroy Place, Brown Hall, Room 100, Socorro, NM 87801 on the main campus of NMIMT until June 4, 2024 at 2:00 PM (local time). Proposals received after this date and time will not be accepted, and will be returned unopened. Journal: May 21, 2024 LEGAL NOTICE City of Grants is requesting quotes for dating of Comprehensive Plan for the City of City of Grants is looking to update it Comprehensive Plan with a detailed economic devel- opment section including an I-40 Interchanges economic analysis study and LEDA ordi- nance update. The City last updated its plan in 2017. A copy of the request for quotes can be requested by contacting the City of Grants Special Projects Office by email or visiting the City of Grants website bidsrfppackets.

Questions can be directed to the Special Projects office 505-658-6506. Quotes are due no later than 10am on Tuesday May 28, 2024. Quotes received after that time will not be accepted. Journal: May 21, 2024 Total Lien Amount Including Penalties and Interest through $10,059.96. TOTAL: $27,989.33.

Journal: May 14, 21, 2024 LEGALS Western New Mexico Univer- sity is requesting sealed for the following: Foreign Stu- dent Insurance Re-Advertised Athletic Student Insurance Re-Advertised Opening: June 5, 2024 PM Copies of RFP documents may be obtained by contacting the Purchasing Office located at 1000 W. College Avenue, Sil- ver City, New Mexico, 88061, by calling (575) 538-6169 or by email request to amy.baca@ Until final award, The New Mexico Office of Su- perintendent of Insurance, through its Office of Legal Counsel, is soliciting proposals from attorneys to provide hear- ing officer services for admin- istrative prosecutions and for rulemaking. All interested attor- neys may obtain a copy of the Request for Proposals from the Office of Superintendent of website, Office of Superintendent of Insurance ( The deadline for submitting Response is May 31, 2024, 3:00 P.M.

MDT. Journal: April 24-May 23, 2024 Taos Pueblo-Division of Nat- ural Resources Request for Bids Contractor Pueblo Ridge WUI Project Taos Pueblo, NM Submission Deadline: June 17, 2024 RFP Proposal Packet Contact Name: Del Romero P.O Box 1846 Taos, NM 87571 575-758-7410 Journal: May 20-June 2, 2024 parcel number (UPC), legal description, name(s) of the property owner(s), other parties who claim an interest in the property, the date of the lien, document number in the records of the clerk of Ber- nalillo County, New Mexico, the basis for the lien including the city ordinance or state statute authorizing such lien, the original amount of the lien, the date of last payment, and the total amount due including pen- alties and interest. The prop- erty described in Exhibit is subject to one or more of the following types of liens as de- tailed in Exhibit Claim of Lien for Boarding, Cleanup or Repair N.M., Rev. Ordinances of Al- buquerque (ROA 1994) and NMSA 1978 and to 7, and Certificate of Substandard fees pursuant to Albuquerque, N.M., Rev. Ordinances of Albuquerque (ROA 1994), and NMSA 1978 The assessments and charges re- flected in Exhibit are now delinquent and the total due and payable including penalties and interest are shown thereon.

The City of Albuquer- que elects and declares that the total unpaid balance is now due and payable. All interested parties are hereby notified that a copy of this Notice is on file in the office of the Municipal Clerk and is open to public inspection during normal busi- ness hours for a period of sixty (60) days from the date this Notice was filed in the District Court. Take further notice that any person having or claiming to have an interest in any such parcel or parcels and the legal right thereto, may, on or before sixty (60) days from the date of the filing of this Notice with the Clerk of the District Court, by paying to the municipality the amounts due, including interest and penalties due thereon, computed to the date of pay- ment, fees and costs, or at the option of the municipality, by paying to the municipality the amount of the unpaid installments thereon, plus all interest and penalties due thereon computed to the date of payment, fees and costs, move for dis- missal of the foreclosure with or without prejudice, as ap- plicable. EXHIBIT A Property Address: 615 Arno St. NE.

Parcel Number (UPC) 101405737318942510. Legal Description Lot numbered Four (4) in Block numbered Thirt- (37) of the Huning Highland Addition to the City of Albuquerque, New Mexico, as the same is shown and designated on the Map of said Addition filed in the office of the Probate Clerk and Recorder of Bernalillo County, New Mexico, May 12, 1887. Owner Name: Donna Leigh McClain. Other Parties Who May Claim an Interest in Property: All other unknown heirs, unknown persons and unknown claimants who may have some right, title, interest, claim or lien in the property. Date of Lien: Document Number: 2023056026.

Basis for Lien: Boarding, Cleanup or Repair et seq. R.O.A., et seq. NMSA 1978. Original Lien Amount: $9,890.36. Total Lien Amount Including Penalties and Interest through $13,376.99.

Date of Lien: Document Number: 2021040047. Basis for Lien: Boarding, Cleanup or Repair et seq. R.O.A., et seq. NMSA 1978. Original Lien Amount: $3,189.44.

Date of Last Pay- ment: Total Lien Amount Including Penalties and Interest through $4,330.74. TOTAL through $17,707.73 Journal: May 14, 21, 2024 LEGALS NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF BER- NALILLO SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT GUILD MORT- GAGE COMPANY LLC, Plaintiff, vs. Case D-202- CV-2023-03276 GREGORY GONZALES; STATE OF NEW MEXICO DEPARTMENT OF WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS; Defendants PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the above-entitled Court, having appointed me or my designee as Special Master in this matter with the power to sell, has ordered me to sell the real property (the situated in Bernalillo County, New Mexico, commonly known as 9980 Radcliffe Rd NW, Al- buquerque, NM 87114, and more particularly described as follows: LOTS NUMBERED FOUR (4), AND FIVE (5), IN BLOCK NUMBERED ONE (1) OF EXECUTIVE ESTATES OF PARADISE HILLS, A SUBDIVI- SION, BERNALILLO COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, AS THE SAME IS SHOWN AND DES- IGNATED ON THE PLAT OF SAID SUBDIVISION, FILED IN NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF BER- NALILLO SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT U.S. BANK TRUST NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, NOT IN ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY BUT SOLELY AS OWNER TRUSTEE FOR RCF 2 ACQUISITION TRUST U.S. BANK TRUST NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, Plaintiff, vs.

Case D-202-CV-2023- 01342 UNKNOWN HEIRS, DE- VISEES OR LEGATEES OF CLAUDE ASBURY, DE- CEASED; ALBUQUERQUE FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION; Defen- dants PLEASE TAKE NO- TICE that the above-entitled Court, having appointed me or my designee as Special Master in this matter with the power to sell, has ordered me to sell the real property (the situated in Bernalillo County, New Mexico, commonly known as 5134 Cordoniz St NW, Al- buquerque, NM 87120, and more particularly described as follows: LOT NUMBERED FIFTY-TWO (52) OF THE AMENDED TRINITY RANCH, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, AS THE SAME IS SHOWN AND DESIGNATED ON THE SAID AMENDED PLAT THEREOF, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK OF BER- NALILLO COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, ON DECEMBER 6, 1979, IN PLAT BOOK 16, PAGE 11. Including any mobile home, and any and all im- provements, fixtures, and attachments. If there is a con- flict between the legal description and the street ad- dress, the legal description shall control. The sale is to begin at 10:00 AM on June 7, 2024, front entrance of the Second Judicial District Courthouse, 400 Lomas NW, City of Albuquerque, County of Bernalillo, State of New Mexico, at which time I will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, in lawful currency of the United States of America, the Property to pay expenses of sale, and to satisfy the foreclosure Judgment granted on February 5, 2024, in the total amount of $165,985.48, with interest at the rate of 5.2500% per annum from November 28, 2023 through the date of the sale. The sale is subject to the entry of an Order by this Court approving the sale.

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the real property and improvements concerned with herein will be sold subject to any and all patent reserva- tions, easem*nts, and all taxes and utility liens, special assess- ments and taxes that may be due. U.S. Bank Trust National Association, Not In Its Individ- ual Capacity But Solely As Owner Trustee For RCF 2 Acquisition Trust U.S. Bank Trust National Associ- ation, its attorneys, and the undersigned Special Master, disclaim all responsibility for, and the purchaser at the sale takes the property in its present condition, subject to the valuation of the property by the County Assessor as real or personal property, affixture of any mobile or manufactured home to the land, deactivation of title to a mobile or manufactured home on the property, if any, environmental contamination on the property, if any, and zoning violations concerning the property, if any. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that the purchaser at such sale shall take title to the above described real property subject to a one (1) month right of redemption.

PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS AT SALE ARE ADVISED TO MAKE THEIR OWN EXAMINATION OF THE TITLE AND THE CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY AND TO CONSULT THEIR OWN AT- TORNEY BEFORE BIDDING. By: Margaret Lake 201 Eubank NE Suite Albuquerque, NM 87123 1 NM-22-938200- JUD IDSPub Journal: May 7, 14, 21, 28, 2024 LEGALS Until final award, Western New Mexico Univer- sity reserves the right to reject any all to waive technicalities, to re-advertise and to proceed otherwise when in the best interest of the University. shall be submitted sealed, plainly marked with the date, RFP name and number. Western New Mexico Univer- sity By: Amy Baca Executive Director Purchasing Journal: May 21, 2024 LEGALS.

Albuquerque Journal from Albuquerque, New Mexico (2024)


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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.