Marshfield News-Herald from Marshfield, Wisconsin (2024)

I MAY 28, 1941 MARSHFIELD NEWS-HERALD, MARSHFIELD, WISCONSIN NINE WEDNESDAY EVENING, About Folks and Their Guests 25th Anniversary Is Celebrated Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Herman Weichelt of Stratford celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary at their home on Saturday afternoon and evening. A 5 o'clock supper was served, and the following guests attended: the Rev. and Mrs.

S. E. Rathke, Auburndale; Mr. and Mrs. August Kohlstedt, Evanston, Miss Neva Weichelt, Wilmette, Mr.

and Mrs. Clemens Weichelt, Nasonville; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Weichelt Elmer Panzer, and Mrs. August Korth, Mrs.

Herman Plockelwald, Ashippun; Mrs. Martha Dietz and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Peck, Marshfield; Mrs. Leonard Luoma, Wakefield, Mich.

A three-tier wedding cake baked by Mrs. Weichelt's niece, Mrs. Peck, centered the table. Evening guests were Mr. and Mrs.

George Korth and daughter, Erna, and Arnold Panzer, Hewitt; Mrs. Caroline Seidl and son, James, Marshfleld; Mr. and Mrs. George Weichelt and son, Donald, Rozellville; Mr. and Mrs.

Ernest Weichelt and Harry Weichelt, and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Bolen and family, and Harold, Robert, and Dorothy Weichelt, Stratford; Miss Seehafer, Riverside. Weddings Carlson At 10 o'clock Monday morning. Miss Clara Schwartz, Mr.

and Mrs. John A. Schwartz, Town of Little Black, became the bride of Arvid Carlson, Town of Mayville, in a ceremony performed by Justice of the Peace August Roeber at Medford. The couple's attendants were Mr. 'and Mrs.

Adolph Behnke of Milwaukee, brother-in-law and sister of the bride. Mrs. Behnke wore a street dress of blue with white accessories, the navy, bride chose a dark green dress with black accessories. A reception and 1 o'clock dinner were held for friends and relatives at the home of the bride's parents. Before her marriage, Mrs.

Carlson taught at the Meadowbrook School in Taylor County for two years. She and her husband will make their on the groom's farm near Abbotsford upon their return from a wedding trip through Wisconsin and Minnesota. Schmidt-Miller Miss Louise Miller, Milwaukee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Miller of Colby, and Raymond Schmidt, Milwaukee, son of Mr.

and Mrs. William Schmidt of Colby, were united in marriage on Saturday, May 24, at 2 o'clock at the Lutheran parsonage in Milwaukee. The Rev. Dr. Ludwig performed the ceremony.

The bride was attired in a gown of lace over white satin and she wore a finger-tip veil caught to a pearl crown. Her bouquet consisted of sweet peas and lilies of the valley. Miss Margaret Dunow of Milwaukee attended her in a powder blue dress fashioned of lace over satin and similar in style to that worn by the bride. Roses and sweet peas were in her bouquet. Kenneth Lovedahl attended as best A reception was held at Mangert's Hall at Wind Lake.

Relatives from Colby who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest F. Miller and son, Clarence, Miss Lucille Forman, and Mr. and Mrs.

Art Schmidt and family. The bride has been employed in Milwaukee for the past four years, and the groom, a graduate of Colby High Schol, is also employed in Milwaukee, where they will make their home. Decker-Sulik St. Louis' Catholic Church at Dorchester was the setting for the wedding of Neva O. Sulik and Frank J.

Decker, both of Dorchester, at 8:30 o'clock this morning. The Rev. Phillip Weller read the rites uniting the daughter of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph Sulik and the son of Mrs. Peter Decker. White mousseline-de-soie fashioned the gown worn by the bride, GET SET FOR A BIG MEMORIAL DAY Pucker's Will Be Open All Day Fresh Supply All Sizes OR MOVIE KODAK FILMS 24 HOUR SERVICE ON Film Developing And Printing 2 Enlargements Free! SMOKERS' SUPPLIES Gridley's Ice Cream And Sherbets YOUR FAVORITE FLAVORS Pucker's News 133 S. CENT. PHONE 60 FREE DELIVERY INHERITANCE TAX PROPOSAL DOOMED 'Quiet and Measure Graceful Recom- Death' mended by Niemuth Lieut.

Sexton Named To Honor Guard at Lakes Naval Base Lt. William Sexton, son of Dr. and Mrs. W. G.

Sexton S. Cherry street, has been appointed a member of the honor guard to attend Bishop John F. O'Hara, military delegate of the armed forces of the United States, during his visit to the Great Lakes Naval Training Station on Memorial Day, Friday, May 30. Lt. George A.

Rosso, Catholic chaplain, announced the appointments today. With more than 1,000 Catholic officers, of the ship's company, recruits scheduled to march to the new armory to attend Bishop O'Hara's Military Mass, the ceremony will 1 be the largest Catholic event at the Great Lakes Naval Training Station since 1918. Confirmation will be received by 25 recruits and 15 children of officers attached to the station. Lt. Sexton left for Great Lakes, Ill.

in April. -St. Joseph'sHospital Notes ADMISSIONS Mrs. Wallace Sutton, Arpin, route 1. Mrs.

Andrew Bucki, Rib Lake, route 1. Carol Gersbach, 509 W. Arnold street, Marshfleld. Rose Marie Kohlbeck, Marshfield, route 3. Marian Miller, 212 E.

Third street, Marshfield. Alfred Hermann, Colby, route 1. Mrs. Alex Mosinski, Junction City. Mrs.

Harold Vickerman, 2101 Richfield street. Marshfield. Dale Drackley, Marshfield, route 1. DISMISSALS John Hamus Auburndale. Joseph Trybula, Thorp.

Mrs. Francis p*rn, Marshfield. Mrs. Henry Moldenhauer, Black River Falls. Mrs.

Felix McGuire, Dancy. William Riebe, Hanco*ck. Mrs. Emma Albrecht, Neillsville. Matthew Schneider, Marshfield, route 2.

David Braeger, Marshfield. Social Activities Shower Mrs. Ralph Rayhorn and Miss Barbara Bodoh entertained at the latter's home on E. Second street last evening at a shower honoring Miss Mary Sargent, who will be married in the near future. Winners at bridge were Mrs.

Jack first, and Mrs. Donald Oestreich, second. Mrs. John Bauer was high at rummy, and Miss Sargent was low. A lunch was served and the honoree was presented with a gift.

Farewell Party Approximately 32 members of the American Legion Auxiliary gathered at a potluck supper at the home of Mrs. C. B. Varney, S. Cherry street, last evening in honor of Mrs.

H. Guderian, who will leave next week with her husband to make her home at Bluff Siding. Cards were played during the evening. with Mrs. Rusk Jurgensen winning high prize at sheepshead, and Miss Mary Rose Proell, high, Mrs.

Walter Anderson, second, at contract. Mrs. Guderian was presented with a gift from the group. Meet Tonight The Women's Auxiliary to the Carpenters and Joiners Union, No. 317, will meet tonight at 8 o'clock at Odd Fellows Hall.

Mrs. Clara Gonyon and her committee will serve. Steak Fry John Parkin, clubmaster, his wife, and den chiefs Marshall Hill. Dunn, Arthur Shaw, and Gordon Thomas and Walter Thomas Jr. of Pack 27 had 8 steak fry at Wood County Park last evening.

Following the lunch, regular monthly business was transacted. Dessert Bridge Mrs. William Mechler and Mrs. Harry -Borchert were co-hostesses at a dessert-bridge given yesterday afternoon at the former's in honor of Mrs. George Marsh, Wausau, who is visiting here.

Mrs. Marsh and Mrs. A. L. Millard were prize winners.

Bridge Club Bridge Club Mrs. George Manthei Concord street, was hostess at meeting of her bridge club last evening at her home. First prize was won by Mrs. Jack Gordon, and Mrs. Donald Smith won second prize, Miss Virginia Gesme, who will be a June bride, was presented with a gift from the group.

WANTED: FULL OR PART TIME BOOKKEEPING Fully Experienced. Best of References Furnished. EVERETT STONE 214 E. 2nd St. Or Phone 909-R, Mid.

CALENDAR OF EVENTS TONIGHT 8 p. m. Order of Owls, No. 1110, at Owls Hall. 8 Women's Auxiliary, Carpenters and Joiners Union, at Odd Fellows Hall.

THURSDAY 2:30 p. m. Women's Guild of St. Paul's Evangelical and Reformed Church at Albert Plath home, 701 S. Vine street.

Personals ON VISIT Miss Dora Henning of Los Angeles, formerly nurse at St. Joseph's Hospital, is visiting relatives and friends in Marshfield and Chili. RETURN FROM TRIP Mrs. Leon Schaefer, E. Third street, and Mrs.

George HuntzickW. Sixth street, returned last evening from a 10 days' trip to Washington, Mt. Vernon, Atlantic City, New York, Niagara Falls, Greenfield Village, and other points of interest. FROM CAMP Sgt. Clarence Groff of Camp Livingston, is spending his furlough Mr.

here at and the Mrs. home of Joseph his parents, Groff, N. Wood street. Mrs. Ida McCabe, and Mrs.

Esther Brevick and daughter, Jeanne, Alma, left yesterday after visiting since Monday at the home Mrs. Henry Kohs and Mrs. Ella McCabe on W. Arnold street and attending the graduation of Mrs. Ida McCabe's granddaughter, BetMcCabe, from the Senior High School.

Mrs. Henry Kohs and Betty McCabe will leave tonight for Eau Claire, where they will attend the graduation of the former's grandson, Ray Flynn, tomorrow. Mrs. Joe Hirsch of Medford arrived this week end to spend a few days with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.

Prince Koenig, E. Third street. Jeanette Bloy, who has lived with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C.

G. Grambsch, since her parents A. E. Bloys, moved to West De Pere, left yesterday to make her home there. Jeanette was graduated from the Senior High School on Monday.

W. O. Barton was a visitor at the E. W. Henrichs home on E.

Fourth street yesterday en route from Stratford to Wisconsin Rapids. Mrs. J. E. Bradley of Stratford was a guest at the same home.

Mr. Barton is Mrs. Henrich's father, and Mrs. Bradley is her sister. Mrs.

Victor Accola and daughter, Margaret, and Mrs. Gust Johnson and Mrs. Emery Johnson, Wisconsin Rapids, were dinner guests at the E. W. Heller home, E.

Blodgett street, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rasmussen, W. Third street, left today on trip to Indianapolis, Decatur, and Camp Shelby, where they will visit Mr.

Rasmussen's brother, Capt. Al Rasmussen. Mrs. Van Kahl, son, James, and daughter, Gretchen, left today for Winona, after visiting the Albert Wenzel Sr. home on W.

Fifth street. James will leave Winona tonight for Ontario, where he will be stationed with the U.S. Air Corps. Mrs. Clara Peterson, N.

Maple street, left yesterday for few weeks' visit with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Seeger, Marquette, Mich. Mr. and Mrs.

Roman Schnitzler and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Herkert, Washington avenue, will leave morrow for Frankfort, where they will be week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bersell.

Mrs. Bersell is a sister Mrs. Herkert and Mr. Schnitzler. Loyal Nelson of Green Bay left for home yesterday after spending the week end at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Cory Burt, S. Cherry street. He was accompanied his daughter, Miriam, who had spent the past week here. Mr.

Nelson is a brother-in-law of Mrs. Burt. Classified Ads will help you find what you want. HOLIDAY NEEDS At The HAT SHOP HATS PURSES HOSIERY COTTON DRESSES SEPARATE SLACKS SLACK SUITS PLAY SUITS! All new merchandise! Nice selection. and its skirt hung gracefully from a fitted bodice which featured an on embroidered seed pearl neckline.

long, lace-edged silk tulle veil was held by a tiara of seed pearls, and a small face veil and colonial bouquet of mixed flowers completed her attire. A blue silk taffeta dress similar to that worn by the bride and trimmed with pink ribbons was worn by the maid of honor, Miss June Sulik of Winnetka, sister of the bride. She wore pink roses in her hair and carried a colonial bouquet. Blue mousseline-de-soie gowns trimmed with pink ribbons were worn by Misses Marcella and Mercedes Goessel, 1 twin nieces of the 1 bridegroom, and they wore pink roses in their hair. Clarence Decker of Milwaukee, brother of the groom, attended as best man, and a musical background for the ceremony was furnished by St.

Louis' Choir. Dinner and supper were served to 125 guests at the home of the bride's parents. Blue and white streamers and large baskets of flowers were used as decorations and a wedding cake centered the table. Mr. and Mrs.

Decker will reside near Dorchester, where the former is engaged in farming, after June 1. The latter has been employed in Chicago and Milwaukee for the past three years. They will take a belated honeymoon trip in August. Schmitt-Jacobi The Rev. James Mehan of St.

Robert's Catholic Church in Milwaukee read the rites uniting Miss Anita Jacobi, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jacobi of Greenwood, and. Vincent Schmitt, son of Joseph Schmitt, of Colgate, at 80'- clock Saturday morning, May 17. The bride wore a simple dregs of white marquisette with a finger-tip veil falling from a sweetheart headdress.

She carried a prayer book and a crystal Miss Amanda Skikiewicz, her attendant, wore a pink marquisette gown with a headdress of violets caught with a bow from which floor-length streamers extended. She carried a bouquet of sweet peas, shaded from light pink to deep violet. Joseph Schmitt, brother of the groom, was best man, and a breakfast-luncheon was served at the Ambassador Hotel for relatives and close friends. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Jacobi gave a reception for the couple at their Greenwood home. Guests from away who were in Milwaukee for the were Mr. and Mrs. William Anceremony, tigo; Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Speener and daughter, White Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jacobi and children, Spencer; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jacobi children, Neillsville; Mr.

and John Jacobi and children, Greenwood; Conrad Jacobi, Fairchild; Mrs. Joe Vargo and sons, Granton; Leo Henz, William Heinz, and Miss Irene Brown, Greenwood. The bride is a graduate of the Granton High School and took a teachers' training course at Neillsville. After teaching for a year, she went to Milwaukee, where she has been employed since that time. Mr.

and Mrs. Schmitt will make their home in Milwaukee, where the groom is employed. Auburndale Those who spent Thursday evening at the William Draxler home in celebration of Billy Draxler's graduation were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Heeg and daughter, Ann, Jack, Richfield; Miss Charlotte' Heeg and friend of Wausau; Mrs.

Joe Pankratz Jr. and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Turner and son. A prenuptial shower was held at the Baierl Hall Thursday evening for Frank Derfuss of Rozellville and Miss Martha Strigel.

Dancing furnished the evening's entertainment. Miss Strigel received many gifts. George Lawrie, Charlestown, Iowa, arrived Thursday to visit his wife and children here. He left Monday night for Minneapolis, where he is employed. Michigan leads all states of the Union in the production of salt.

Family Reunion Held At Stratford Sunday (By News Herald Correspondent) Stratford A family reunion was held at the Andrew Brock home in Stratford Sunday afternoon and evening. A cafeteria supper was served and the evening was spent in dancing to music furnished by Alois Wilhelm. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brock and children, Blackfoot, Idaho; Mr.

and Mrs. John R. Brock and children, Appleton; Mrs. Ellen Brock, Mr. and Mrs.

Blase Fischer a and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brock, Mr.

and MIs. Frank Gaier and children, all of Marshfield. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brock and son, Junction a City; Mr.

and Mrs. Mike Brock and children, Milladore; Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Walsh and family, and Mrs. William Brock and family, Blenker; Mr.

and Mrs. Alois Wilhelm and family, Rozellville; Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Polster and family, Mr. and Mrs.

Ben Derfus, Stratford. IS THIS YOUR BIRTHDAY? Win you have birthday in your home soon Send the names, ages, and birthdates of your youngsters under 16 to the Birthday colamn of the NewsHerald, and remember to sign your name no communications are used unless their source is known. TODAY'S BIRTHDAYS Donna Mae Flagel, 400 S. Oak street, 11. Dorchester Mrs.

Arthur Herman and children, Dorothy and Clifford, Mrs. Louis Sebold and son, Russell, visited Tuesday in Wausau. and Robert LeCount, Butternut, spent the past week with Miss Anna Wigstadt. Mr. and Mrs.

Julian Mays and son, Sylvester, visited Sunday at Westboro, at the Oscar Rademacher home. Mrs. Arthur Herman and daughter, Dorothy, and Mrs. Louis Sebold and son, Russell, were Marshfield callers on Thursday. Mrs.

Henry Mertens returned here Sunday after a several days visit at the James Bartell home at Fond du Lac. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Whipple, Marshfield, were callers Saturday at the William Doherty home. Melvin Rau, Madison, spent the week end at the Henry Rau home.

Kenneth, Herman, Wausau, spent Sunday at the Arthur Herman home. Mrs. Gladys Brecklen, Winnetka, arrived Monday to spend two weeks at the Gust Brecklin home. Mr. and Mrs.

Sebastian Christenson and son, Kenneth, Edgar, visited Sunday at the Paul Tischendorf home. Mrs. Sara Kronschnabl and daughter, Mildy, and Clifford Herman visited Monday at Montello. Miss Margaret Fritsch returned Friday from Fond du Lac, where she spent two weeks at the Luczak home. Charles Lindboe was a business caller in Ogema on Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Johnson and daughter, Joyce, Mrs. Carl Hoffman and son, Danny, Stetsonville, spent Sunday at the Leo Perlick home. Marvin Vircks returned to Stevens Point Friday after spending several days at the Max Vircks home.

The Rev. and Mrs. James LeCount, Butternut, visited Monday at the Wigstadt brothers home. FOOT TROUBLES CORRECTED SEE DR. DUSTAN, Foot Specialist at Central Barber Shop, 161 S.

Central Avenue, every Saturday from 1 to 9 p. m. For appointment phone 383-J. HOLIDAY VACATION Fashions SHEERS! DRESSY COTTONS! JACKET DRESSES! REDINGOTES! Crisp new merchandise in the advanced style trends to see you through glorious holiday and tion season! Have the confidence that yOU are well dressed you'll enjoy the season more! Smartwear Della Krahn, Prop. Hotel Charles Bldg.

Madison -(P) A "quiet and graceful death" in the Assembly Taxation Committee was recommended yesterday for a bill providing for collection of inheritance taxes through department of taxation assessors instead of county courts and public administrators. The recomendation was made by Assemblyman Niemuth (RepOshkosh) at a hearing after Tax Commissioner Elmer Barlow, who drafted "outlines" of the proposal, declared he had no objection to "laying it over for two years." Although Barlow said his Department could handle the extra work, and that the bill was not as vicious as some people believed, he added: "In view of the fact that the Legislature is trying to adjourn in future, and since the State bar is against the bill. I thing it could be kept in committee without doing anything on it one way or another. The Department can check on it in the next two years and see if there is any merit to it. As far as the Department of Taxation is concerned, I can say that we are not looking for any extra work." Marquette County Judge K.

J. Callahan described the measure as an "absolute centralization of power that had no sense Endorsing the probate work of county judges under the present law, Grant County Judge R. D. Walker said: bill should be pigeon-holed and kept there." Lynn Mr. and Mrs.

Erwin Sternitzky visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Selves, Grant, Sunday evening. Sunday dinner guests at the Mr. and Mrs.

William Dankemyer home in honor of their daughter, Ione, who was confirmed that day, were Mr. and Mrs. Arno Ross and daughter, Geraldine, and LeRoy Seipel, Eau Claire; Mr. and Freeman Dankemyer daughters, Natalie and Ruth, and Mrs. A.

F. Chili; and Miss Nona Dankemyer, Wisconsin Rapids. The following were confirmed at the Zion Lutheran Church at Granton Sunday: June Sternitzky, Ione Dankemyer, Shirley Dietz, Laura Mae Elmhorst, Ardelia Scholtz, Forrest Sternitzky, Elroy Layman, Curtis Marg, and Claire Schlinsog. Mr. and Mrs.

Gerhardt Berge of Indiana have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schlinsog, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gust Hahm, since Friday.

Gust Hahm is ill at his home. Mrs. Carl Hoeh and children of Sigel visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gust Hahm, Saturday.

Miss Edna Keuer, who has been teaching school at Riplinger the past nine months, closed her school Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Anding and family of Marshfeld and Mr. and Mrs.

Carl Smith of Augusta visited at the Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meissner home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

Raymond Lindow and family visited Mr. and Mrs. JAN VALTIN' TESTIFIES- -Richard Krebs, who wrote the book "Out of the Night" under the pen name of Jan Valtin, testified before the House Committee on un-American Activities in Washington. With a microphone on the table in front of him here he is as he told the Committee of his activities. Robert Breseman, Marshfleld, Sunday.

Miss Arlene Keuer was home from Pittsville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Louts Wiesner were Sunday guests at the Mr. and Mrs.

Ernest Keuer home. Miss Ruth Turner, Neillsville, spent the week end with Miss Marian Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Opelt and daughters, Carl Sternitzky and daughter, Arlene, and son, Douglas, visited at the Mr.

and Mrs. Rudolph Sternitzky home Sunday a afternoon. George Sternitzky, who had been a patient in a hospital at Elkhorn the past seven weeks, returned home Friday. Friday evening visitors at the Mr. and Mrs.

Alvin Sternitzky home in celebration the 15th. birthday anniversary of their son, Delmer, were Mr. and Mrs. Emery Albrecht, Mr. and Mrs.

Louis Sternitzky and family, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Guillaume and family, and Carl Sternitzky and children. Mrs. Herman Schlinsog has been a patient in the Neillsville Hospital the past week.

Miss Edna Hasz and Gene and Geraldine Marguson, Wisconsin Rapids, spent the week end at the Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hasz home. Mr. and Mrs.

Ed Sternitzky visited Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sternitzky, Grant, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs.

Edgar Rach visited Mr. and Mrs. Waite Wilcox at Mindora Sunday. Births Mr. and Mrs.

Harold Vickerman, 2101 Richfield street, announce the birth of a son at St. Joseph's Hospital this morning. An etiquette book of 75 years ago states "it is proper to place the plates on the table wrong side up in fly time." JUST ARRIVED In Time For Your Decoration Day Outing Crisp, colorful wash frocks styled for smart casual wear. Sizes for small and large women. You'll want several at this attractive price! $2.98 Weatherproof Poplin SPORT JACKETS Just the thing for an active week end! Action sleeves and back.

Full zipper closing. In beige or blue. $4.95 LOUIS LAEMLE, Inc. He Sells Clothes Since 1890 AAT East Rock Sunday guests of. Mrs.

Nancy Culbertson were J. Holan, Mrs. Ernie Noyes, and Al Schubert, all of Auburndale, Mrs. Alice May Schubert of Spencer and Mr. and Mrs.

Martin Diers and daughter, Marcella, and O. Conrad of Chili. Mr. and Mrs. Huck Rickard and sons, Robert, Dahlin, and Melvin, Mineral Point, visited at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Bert Oettiker Sunday. Mrs. Rickard is a sister of Mrs. Oettiker.

Other dinner and supper guests at the Oettiker home were Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Wilkins and son, Jerry, of Marshfield, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Oettiker.

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Volkomener and son, Glen, attended confirmation services at the Lutheran Church at Marshfield Sunday. The Nasonville Homemaker's Club, scheduled to meet with Mrs. Clara Wachter this Tuesday, will not meet until June 3.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wartner and daughter, Laura Mae, spent Sunday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Wartner of Nekoosa, and attended the baptismal services for their little granddaughter, Alice Ruth Wartner, Dwight Wade Marshfield, Mrs.

Ellen Newlun of Valley, and Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Wade were Sunday dinner guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Richard Drackley, Lincoln. Thirty-six per cent of the world's annual coal production is consumed in the United States. Words Fail In Her Praise Of KruGon prising Results; Lame Back Poor Sleep, Sore Stiff Muscles Do Not Bother Her Now "For more than a year I had been wanting a medicine like the KruGon," said Mrs. A.

132 Field Antigo, Wisconsin. MRS. A. L. STEWART Happy Since Given Such Sur- "I was always having trouble with my digestion after eating, foods I ate simply would not digest properly and at times caused me almost unbearable suffering.

Years of faulty elimination had allowed this condition to exist. My bowels were so irregular and then I was constantly disturbed by frequent kidney action. My back was lame and those awful pains settled over my body generally, muscles became stiff and sore too. My case was a discouraging one before I began KruGon but it seemed to be just what I had been wanting all the time. "I found KruGon to be of great benefit to me," continued Mrs.

Stewart. "Now since I am getting proper elimination of those clogged intestinal impurities through regular bowel action, I have shown rapid improvement. I eat three hearty meals each day without distress afterwards, that awful stiffness and soreness has left my joints and muscles, I get my rest and sleep without any disturbances and am feeling fine. Life is so much more enjoyable and words tail me when I try to express the wonderful blessing KruGon has been to KruGon is sold by Wing Drug 217 S. Central this city, and by the leading druggists in surrounding towns..

Marshfield News-Herald from Marshfield, Wisconsin (2024)


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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.