Synastry Chart: Dec. 13, 2000 in Toronto, CA & Jan. 14, 2000 in Rome, IT (2024)

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Liz Roby

Published April 28, 2024

Date of Birth: December 13, 2000

City: Toronto, Ontario

Country: Canada

Local Time: 2:00 am

UTC Time: 7:00 am

Sidereal Time: 07:11:29

Lat: 43° 42’ 23” N.

Lon: 79° 23’ 55” W.

Alt: n/a

Sun Sign: Sagittarius

Ascendant: Libra

Date of Birth: January 14, 2000

City: Rome, Lazio

Country: Italy

Local Time: 12:14 pm

UTC Time: 11:14 am

Sidereal Time: 19:36:59

Lat: 41° 53’ 31” N.

Lon: 12° 30’ 41” E.

Alt: 20 m.

Sun Sign: Capricorn

Ascendant: Taurus

The first individual’s birth took place on December 13, 2000, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, at 2:00 am local time (7:00 am UTC). The sidereal time at birth was 07:11:29. Their birth coordinates are 43° 42’ 23” North latitude and 79° 23’ 55” West longitude. Astrologically, they are Sagittarius Sun with Libra Ascendant, Cancer Moon, and Aquarius as their Black Moon Lilith sign.

The second individual was born on January 14, 2000, in Rome, Lazio, Italy, at 12:14 pm local time (11:14 am UTC). The sidereal time at birth was 19:36:59. Their birth coordinates are 41° 53’ 31” North latitude and 12° 30’ 41” East longitude, with an altitude of 20 meters above sea level. Astrologically, they are Capricorn Sun with Taurus Ascendant, Aries Moon, and Sagittarius as their Black Moon Lilith sign.

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Planets embody various facets of personality, life themes, and energies within a synastry chart, impacting individual traits, motivations, and shared experiences between two individuals.

Planets in Signs

Planets in a zodiac sign within a synastry chart signify the manner in which the energies and characteristics of those planets manifest within the framework of the themes and traits specific to that particular zodiac sign, shaping the dynamics and interactions between the individuals involved.
Sun21° 34’ 60” Sagittarius
Moon18° 12’ 28” Cancer
Mercury14° 39’ 13” Sagittarius
Venus5° 44’ 20” Aquarius
Mars23° 51’ 51” Libra
Jupiter4° 8’ 19” Gemini
Saturn25° 39’ 6” Taurus
Uranus17° 50’ 25” Aquarius
Neptune4° 43’ 19” Aquarius
Pluto13° 4’ 45” Sagittarius
Ceres8° 42’ 11” Sagittarius
Chiron20° 23’ 32” Sagittarius
Eros20° 42’ 42” Aquarius
Hygiea11° 53’ 43” Capricorn
Juno28° 19’ 43” Aquarius
Pallas15° 3’ 8” Scorpio
Vesta17° 59’ 40” Aquarius
Ascendant13° 45’ 29” Libra
Black Moon Lilith1° 55’ 25” Aquarius
Midheaven16° 28’ 50” Cancer
North Node16° 40’ 33” Cancer
South Node16° 40’ 33” Capricorn
Part of Fortune10° 22’ 57” Taurus
Vertex3° 52’ 42” Taurus
Sun23° 35’ 35” Capricorn
Moon22° 47’ 27” Aries
Mercury22° 36’ 1” Capricorn
Venus17° 19’ 52” Sagittarius
Mars8° 1’ 32” Pisces
Jupiter26° 3’ 38” Aries
Saturn10° 17’ 37” Taurus
Uranus15° 30’ 4” Aquarius
Neptune3° 40’ 31” Aquarius
Pluto11° 53’ 29” Sagittarius
Ceres6° 51’ 43” Libra
Chiron13° 2’ 40” Sagittarius
Eros5° 41’ 51” Sagittarius
Hygiea22° 33’ 14” Scorpio
Juno12° 50’ 50” Capricorn
Pallas10° 41’ 2” Leo
Vesta12° 40’ 11” Sagittarius
Ascendant10° 34’ 3” Taurus
Black Moon Lilith24° 54’ 28” Sagittarius
Midheaven22° 27’ 21” Capricorn
North Node4° 21’ 15” Leo
South Node4° 21’ 15” Aquarius
Part of Fortune9° 45’ 56” Leo
Vertex17° 47’ 27” Libra

Planets in Elements

Planets in elements within a synastry chart illustrate how the essential energies and attributes linked to those planets engage with the elemental essence of the signs they occupy, influencing the collective temperament and overarching outlook on life within the relationship.

Planets in Qualities

Planets in qualities within a synastry chart reveal how the natural characteristics and inclinations of those planets harmonize with the modalities of the signs they inhabit, shaping the collective approach to action, decision-making, and interaction within the relationship dynamic.

Planets in Houses

Planets positioned within a zodiac house in a synastry chart indicate the primary areas of life where the energies and influences of those planets are concentrated and expressed within the dynamic of the relationship.
Sun9° 50’ 32” Third House
Moon1° 43’ 38” Tenth House
Mercury2° 54’ 46” Third House
Venus19° 15’ 30” Fourth House
Mars10° 6’ 22” First House
Jupiter23° 42’ 27” Eighth House
Saturn15° 13’ 14” Eighth House
Uranus31° 21’ 35” Fourth House
Neptune18° 14’ 29” Fourth House
Pluto1° 20’ 17” Third House
Ceres28° 16’ 19” Second House
Chiron8° 39’ 4” Third House
Eros0° 23’ 47” Fifth House
Hygiea30° 9’ 15” Third House
Juno8° 0’ 49” Fifth House
Pallas4° 37’ 16” Second House
Vesta31° 30’ 49” Fourth House
Black Moon Lilith15° 26’ 35” Fourth House
North Node0° 11’ 43” Tenth House
South Node0° 11’ 43” Fourth House
Part of Fortune26° 37’ 29” Seventh House
Vertex20° 7’ 13” Seventh House
Sun1° 8’ 15” Tenth House
Moon31° 14’ 0” Twelfth House
Mercury0° 8’ 40” Tenth House
Venus7° 18’ 54” Eighth House
Mars21° 7’ 1” Eleventh House
Jupiter34° 30’ 10” Twelfth House
Saturn48° 44’ 10” Twelfth House
Uranus23° 2’ 43” Tenth House
Neptune11° 13’ 10” Tenth House
Pluto1° 52’ 32” Eighth House
Ceres15° 18’ 16” Sixth House
Chiron3° 1’ 42” Eighth House
Eros25° 7’ 48” Seventh House
Hygiea11° 59’ 11” Seventh House
Juno11° 7’ 40” Ninth House
Pallas18° 13’ 41” Fourth House
Vesta2° 39’ 13” Eighth House
Black Moon Lilith14° 53’ 30” Eighth House
North Node11° 53’ 54” Fourth House
South Node11° 53’ 54” Tenth House
Part of Fortune17° 18’ 35” Fourth House
Vertex26° 13’ 60” Sixth House


Aspects reveal the dynamic relationships and interactions between planets within a synastry chart, influencing the way their energies combine and manifest in an individual’s life experiences and personality traits.

Within this synastry chart, there are 18 major aspects, alongside 14 minor aspects, as well as 8 extra aspects.

Major Aspects

In synastry charts, major aspects illuminate profound connections between the planets of two individuals, offering invaluable insights into the dynamics, challenges, and potentials shaping their shared journey and psychological landscape.
Sun Square Mars
Jupiter Trine Neptune
Sun Trine Moon
Moon Quincunx Venus
Mercury Sextile Uranus
Moon Opposite Mars
Mercury Square Mars
Venus Sextile Uranus
Neptune Conjunct Neptune
Pluto Conjunct Pluto
Venus Conjunct Neptune
Mars Opposite Jupiter
Sun Trine Saturn
Uranus Conjunct Uranus
Uranus Sextile Pluto
Mercury Conjunct Venus
Mercury Conjunct Pluto
Mercury Trine Saturn

Explore detailed articles on the major aspects in this synastry chart, gaining deeper insights into the cosmic dynamics between two individuals. Dive into each aspect and uncover how it shapes their shared life journey and relationship dynamics.

Sun Square Marsorb: 0°The Sun square Mars in a Synastry Chart can bring passion to a relationship. The partners arouse each other and may be fascinated with each […] Read more » Sun Trine Moonorb: 1°The Sun trine Moon in Synastry Charts indicates a compatible couple. The partners have an open flow of affection and warmth in the relationship. They […] Read more » Moon Quincunx Venusorb: 1°When the Moon is quincunx Venus in a Synastry Chart, some emotional issues in one or both partners may create a disconnect between them. This […] Read more » Mercury Sextile Uranusorb: 1°Mercury sextile Uranus in synastry typically creates a solid intellectual connection between two people. These two might not always agree on everything, but that can […] Read more » Moon Opposite Marsorb: 1°The Moon opposite Mars in a Synastry Chart tends to create a passionate and explosive relationship. A couple with this opposition in their Synastry Chart […] Read more » Mercury Square Marsorb: 1°Mercury square Mars in synastry typically means that there is the potential for this couple to teach each other a lot about effective communication and […] Read more » Venus Sextile Uranusorb: 1°Venus sextile Uranus in a Synastry Chart typically creates a harmonious connection between one partner’s loving, romantic side and the other’s desire for freedom and […] Read more » Venus Conjunct Neptuneorb: 2°What does Venus conjunct Neptune mean for relationships? The conjunction between Venus and Neptune in the Synastry Chart indicates partners who are emotionally and spiritually […] Read more » Mars Opposite Jupiterorb: 2°Mars opposite Jupiter in synastry typically indicates that both partners in a relationship are independent and value their freedom, even if they express this differently. […] Read more » Sun Trine Saturnorb: 2°The Sun trine Saturn in a Synastry Chart indicates a couple connected through shared challenges. Though they relate to each other because of hardships, they […] Read more » Mercury Conjunct Venusorb: 3°What does Mercury conjunct Venus mean in a relationship? This aspect is favorable for romance and love. The partners have an intellectual attraction to each […] Read more » Mercury Conjunct Plutoorb: 3°What does Mercury conjunct Pluto mean in a relationship? Mercury and Pluto’s conjunction indicates partners are intense and devoted to each other. They are obsessed […] Read more » Mercury Trine Saturnorb: 3°Mercury trine Saturn in a Synastry Chart typically indicates that a couple has a strong connection based on mutual respect and a desire to help […] Read more »

Minor Aspects

Minor aspects in a synastry chart signify nuanced connections between the planets of two individuals, unveiling subtle yet impactful influences on their shared dynamics and interactions. Delve into these additional layers of interpretation to gain a deeper understanding of the intricacies shaping your relationship and experiences together.
Moon Square Vertex
Venus Sextile Eros
Jupiter Sextile North Node
Jupiter Trine South Node
Uranus Trine Vertex
Neptune Opposite North Node
Neptune Conjunct South Node
Pluto Conjunct Chiron
Pluto Conjunct Vesta
Saturn Conjunct Part of Fortune
Uranus Square Pallas
Neptune Square Vertex
Venus Sextile Vesta
Mars Square Ceres

Uncover additional layers of insight with this assortment of articles on the minor aspects present in this synastry chart. Delve deeper into these cosmic subtleties to cultivate a more comprehensive understanding of your shared astrological dynamics.

Extra Aspects

Extra aspects, while receiving less emphasis compared to major or minor aspects, introduce subtle nuances and complexities to the holistic interpretation of a synastry chart. They provide supplementary insights into the personality traits and life experiences shared between two individuals, enriching the understanding of their astrological connection.
Vesta Trine Vertex
Pallas Square Part of Fortune
Ascendant Conjunct Part of Fortune
North Node Square Vertex
South Node Square Vertex
Hygiea Conjunct Juno
Chiron Sextile Ascendant
Part of Fortune Square Part of Fortune

Discover how these extra aspects weave into the intricate fabric of your shared journey, adding subtle yet significant influences. Delve into each extra aspect to uncover the hidden gems that shape your unique cosmic connection and collective identity.

Ascendant Conjunct Part of Fortuneorb: 0°What does the Ascendant conjunct the Part of Fortune mean in a relationship? This conjunction in a Synastry Chart makes the partners obsessed with each […] Read more »


When a house begins in a zodiac sign within a synastry chart, it signifies the focal point where the characteristics and themes of that sign strongly influence and highlight specific areas of the shared life journey between two individuals.
First House13° 45’ 29” Libra
Second House10° 25’ 52” Scorpio
Third House11° 44’ 28” Sagittarius
Fourth House16° 28’ 50” Capricorn
Fifth House20° 18’ 54” Aquarius
Sixth House19° 39’ 6” Pisces
Seventh House13° 45’ 29” Aries
Eighth House10° 25’ 52” Taurus
Ninth House11° 44’ 28” Gemini
Tenth House16° 28’ 50” Cancer
Eleventh House20° 18’ 54” Leo
Twelfth House19° 39’ 6” Virgo
First House10° 34’ 3” Taurus
Second House10° 0’ 58” Gemini
Third House1° 43’ 10” Cancer
Fourth House22° 27’ 21” Cancer
Fifth House16° 54’ 31” Leo
Sixth House21° 33’ 27” Virgo
Seventh House10° 34’ 3” Scorpio
Eighth House10° 0’ 58” Sagittarius
Ninth House1° 43’ 10” Capricorn
Tenth House22° 27’ 21” Capricorn
Eleventh House16° 54’ 31” Aquarius
Twelfth House21° 33’ 27” Pisces

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Synastry Chart: Dec. 13, 2000 in Toronto, CA & Jan. 14, 2000 in Rome, IT (2024)


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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

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Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.