The Daily Advance from Lynchburg, Virginia (2024)

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Today's Pattern 53c ALLGOOD 100 29c a TC News Mboiit Jtanips XX 3tf 4 1 AtnensGoing Modern I By CHAKALES street bridges and harbcr im 1 97c 111 IK HA POCZTA POLS sued by Syria to honor the Da mascus air held this month The piastres magenta depicts a view of Damascus The SO green shows the Syrian flag flying over the air Grounds Botn are airmails LB PKG ANCY I OODS Silver Dust 32c 25 GR ALP ormosa has Issued $160 gray airmail stamp showing jet planes flying over Chung Shan Bridge in Taipei This stamp was issued to honor the' 15th anniversary of Air orce Day A special sports set honoring the 2nd Polish Olympic games has been issued by Poland reports the New York Stamp Co The 25 groszy vio let depicts a fencing match The 60 JANE PARKER STICKY CINNAMON BUNS 29c KARO BLUE LABEL SYRUP BOT AOU omM rc 100 mw ccwO A i Super Suds 31c who make the best fighters when they gat into Combat are superior mentally physically and socially to men who fall to fight well What makxra man a good fighter combat was discovered by three psychologists who went to Korea in the summer of 1953 for an on the spot study of front line infantry men The psychologists are Drx Robert Egbert Tor Nrelahd and Victor Cling of Human Research Unit Nou 2 Office chief of Army Held orcU ort Ord California They reported their results to tbs American Psychological Associa tion To pick group of good fighters and poor fighters for their com parison the psychologists inter viewed 647 men from rifle com pan Lew The men described in stances they knew which were ex amples of either superior action in combat or poor performance Over 1100 men wero described to thc to terriews Of them 345 wen se lected for at two' men Jane Parker Bakery Specials' Collectors desiring first day can cellations may send rndneyorders to the postmaster at St Louis Mo prior to that date 4 3 Little Kittens I CAT OOD 49c creed in elasaifvlni them as rood or poor filters A psychological center was set up near Ch'unch'on to study the 345 men thus picked They wers battery of phy alological measures mental tests and personality tests "The good fighters it was found as more intelligent than poor fight ers They have better mental healthy The good fighter is taller heav ier healthles and more muscular than is the poorfighter The gdod fighter is a doer He likes to take part in football twlm mlng hunting and fishing He wants to tinker with car or oper ate "a bulldozer?" The only things the poor fighters took part in more was going to the movies and art work The good fighter gets along well with other men He is picked by other men to go around with or as a leader He has mors leadership qualities and he is more mascu line JANE 7 Halloween LAYER CAKE GIBBS SLICED BEETST 2 19c tall CANS THE DAILY ADVANCE LYNCHBURG VAm THURSDAY EVENING OCTOBER 28 1654 umbe madoffrogi iw iargytoaf BLU WHITE BLUING LAKES ioc VEL SOAP POWDER LGL PKG WlC PERK DOG OOD 2 25c WASHINGTON CM) A bm revolution is baa of country's most important exports to Europe the Near East and Northern Afric revolution of hybrid com that add millions to tana tncrxno Working through the United Nations ood and Agriculture Or gsnlution 8 experts and seed companies have cooperated to send Lmany Vxrtetlre ot hybrid reetfto Europe fw tsstlng and develop Inent Tbe belt Of 45 American hybrids produced on an average per ntmore corn than the best local open pollinated Tirltty la 141 testa to 13 countries Use of hybrids increased produc tion by 173 ooq tons valued at $24 to 195) to Belgium Egypt rance Greece July Morocco Netherlands Portugal Spain and Switzerland Experts estimate that port Cakiero on the Chilean coast The year was 1851 To commemorate the 100th an niversary Of the occasion Chile has Issued two new stamps 1 Tht stamps also were "late ar riving The dates 1851 1951 are en graved on each I The I0 centavos vtoleRandiL p*rn red ghow a picture of the first lo comotive on tire line jx Avtlril has issued a special stamp honoring the Second Inter national Congress for Catholic Church MualC reports Edwin Muel ler The meeting will be held to Vienna from Oct 4 to Oct 10 The design depicts the great organ of 'a the monastery of St lorian to Up per Austria A trumpet playing cherub is in the foreground The 1 schilling adhesive is red brown 'Ait rom Washington eomes word thatthe 2 cent Jefferson stamp (1934) to coils sidewise perforated will be issued Oct It win be released at St Louis Mo on the occasion of the annual convention and exhibition of the American Philatelic SLICED BACON GROUND BEE LA' 4 juicy Sweetheart TOILET SOAP i REG: 1 BATH or I 1: oreigners Benefit rom Hybrid Seeds JANE PARKER GOLDEN SUGARED OR CINNAMON DONUTS 19c gr brown and lfi5 zloty blue green show a man and woman throwing the javelin i The 60 gr ultra marine pictures a gymnast on the bars The 1 zlcty blue Illustrates a race To commemorate the official visit of Cardinal Piazza official 'legate of Pope Pius XII Brazil has is sued a new stamp The Cardinal camo to Rio de Janeiro on Aug 31 The 420 cruzeiros orange stamp bears a portrait of the Cardinal MAZOLA CAN 69c i th XW0000O acres of com land to Europe planted to hybrids would Increase production aquttalsnt to an additional 13000000 acres Rmuits with American hybrids hava atimulatod tha development of Inbred Hnegand hybrids especially adapted to the widely differing purposes add cllmatte regions of Europe and the Mediterranean area Dr Jugmhelnur of tha Uni versity of Illinois' consultant on hybrid com for th ood and Agri vulture Organ tzattoirhss estimated thavenough hybrid teefi far all the com production could be available by 1957' Um of hybrid eevdr mechaniza tion and fertilizers ha enabled American fannera to produce more com on fewer acres of land In this country com is used for more tian 500 different purposes including food glug feed and industrial usds JANE PARKER PUMPKIN PIE EA 39c ANN PAGE 34c LBS CUT BUY TPE PIECES YOU WANT RYER PARTS tlGS 636 75c 39c neScIu 15c 0 Hl STORE rranK MARKET 3200 MEMORIAL AVENUE Tour Quality Stor with th riendly Courteous Service Qualify You Can MP SUPER RIGHT RANKS 41c PORK SAUSAGE? 39c 'r fi CHAKALES ATHENS (B At 3 em on day i i a year ago a handsome well 'dressed man and a gang of la borers watched streetcar pound down Its track to the heart of Athens shattering the quiet of the night cried the leader 7 '1 The gang jumped into the mid die of the street hooked torches and started cutting the streetcar tracks along Patlssia Boulevard The men who led this raid on the privately owned streetcar tracks was Cgnstantine Karaman minister of public works He the job when he grew tiredJ of th traction delays 'to removing the tracks He want 1 to widen the street for vehicular traffic and substitute trolley 'He got away with it th trac tion company never followed up a threat to sue Karamanlis a man of action is perhaps causing more changer in the face of Athens than any man since the dys of Pericles 2350 years aga f' The 46 year old minister has 482 i public works projects under way including dams irrigation roads and ports? 'j get th money Wf avs He talked the Cabinet into put 'ting a 3 per cent levy on all rent "ais in the capital area Attica to get tinder way the Ylikl water project to supplement wa ter supply Out of this same money he is putting in the first modern sewage system The Pireaus port organization 7 had been running huge deficits every year Karamanlis took it 'over snd this year he Bays it 11730000 to" revenue This Is being used for extensive PETER PAN GLASS SUPER RIGHT 8 ULbAvq SMOKED HAMS SHANK PORTION 11 49c BUTT PORTION 59c irrrr xWHbilHAMS ScxEiirs provements to Pireaus Other projects include two mag nlficient Patlssia and Queen in the heart of 2 i Crazy Legs Hirsch Decides fo Retire LOS ANGELES (AP) is the last season of football for El (Crazy Legs) Hirsch the Los Angeles Bams great end Hirsch announced last night that he will quit at the of the National ootball' League schedule "but not because ailing or dis appointed with the Rams or my owfi personal showing" just that sooner or later you lL have to make a decision about future" Hirsch told newsmen I 1 you grow older (Hirsch is 30) the I 1 bumps and bruises shaken I off so easily Sometimes takes I 1 me until Wednesday or Thursday to II 1 recover from' a tough game on Sun II day Then the day comes when you I cannot make the team That day II for me is not too far II Hirsch said he never would play II for another team and that his six I years with the Rams were: among I finest of my life" I 5 In 1951 Hirsch set an all time II NL record as a pass receiver gain I ing 1495 yards on 66 catches from Bpb Waterfield and Norm Van' I Brocklin II Hirsch has a film career to look I forward to has starred in two mo 1 vies and is sports director of a Los I Angeles radtostation I ByByD KRONlSH Th first railroad train to South America chugged along at a very alow speed It ran 64 miles from js43to'intotof town oL Coplapo darits CORREOS de chi Le 1 fflUNfiH ss LETTUCE TOMATOES GRAPERUIT Green Cabbage 5c Apples 5 AS 49cCranberries 23c Apples 5 ls BAG 49c eSwt Potatoes 4 25c Rutabagas 5c Brutsel Sprouts 35c Chestnuts 23c PECIALPRlCESiPictSweetlenJoods PICTSW'IET ROZEN JT5Win O'0OZ le Green Beans 2f 33c Green Peas 2 nes 33c Crf Corn 2 29c Vegetables 2S31c ANN PAGE PL 1 7 QT JARS 45c JJAR 'A' ANN PAGE PEACH 2 LB JAR LB OR PINEAPPLE 45c JAR? WHITE HOUSE 50c 35c: 'f SAUERKRAUT APPI (Allf BmKhi1 Tllkl A a bKAicu iunatht 4 4 ''5 DERBYCHILI GREEN LIMAS 1 45c SPAMWa SALAD DRESSING rit i Jr PRESERVES EVAP MILK CASHMERE BOUQUET SOAP 3 cs25c tmniAUI Si i Jt EIGHT O'CLOCK i IA 3 LB BAG i LB KCD UIKUC GOH fct Aij a mg LB 00 coffee ALL PRICES IN THIS AD EECTIVE THRU SATURDAY NOVEMBER 30 9313 14 14 ll 20 By MARIAN MAIVrtN Take on 100 lb feedbag or 1 1 4 yards 39 lnch fabric to make thlz smart apron with vezlea effect! um contrasting remrirttz If you with! Itz easy to make half apron for entertaining! Gift perfect! Bazaar best aellert Pattern Mli: Misses Size Small (14 16): Medium (18 20) AU lren sizes one 10O lb feedbag or ll yards 39 lnch fabric This easy to use pattern fives perfect fit Complete 'llluslrated SeW Chart shows you every step Send Thirty five cento in coins for this add cents for each pattern for Ist class mailing Send to Marian Martin care of The Daily Advance 41 Pattern? Dept 32 West 18Jh St New York 11 Print plainly NAME ADDRESS with ZONl? SIZE and STYLE NUMBER ourMoreHorses ArrivuigfofRace LAUREL Md Tour more iKnasrtoctodinf'Queen Landau were due to arrive here today for the $65000 Washington International' Two rench horses and one Amer lean racer were already on the grounds for the coloful Nov 3 event i An Army band from Meade MlL was slated to be on hand to greet landau and the other thor oughbreds as they arrived byalr and movie cam eramen planned coverage of the ar rival Another English' horse King of Tudors and Northern Gleam wert scheduled to land at Baltimore's friendship International airport this morning King High Gun was the American entry due here for the Landau and King of Tudor left by plane from London yesterday and were scheduled to stop at Sian non Ireland to pick up Northern Gleam 1 The rench horses Norman and Banassa and Burn worked out yesterday at the track The field was cut to seven when Hiroshi Nelshi of Japan announced he would not send his horse Hakur yo after all Aerial transpiration ar rangements and quarantine regula tions combined to delay flight long enough so that Neishi VETS DOG OOD 3ca3s25c long cur st cans: AW wi 0 cans ISOL'I Qf CIIMMYPIin Pancack lour 2 25c Pure Honey rr i Bl euBTEMtKlTi Dexo UJi29i ruit Cw6ktaiU' 24c 'aNN AGE XAaNH TdmcrtoSoup' Grape: lj 39cr 53c STRIETMANN CHOED CLA'S' Grahams 32c Baby ood 6 ILORIPA STANDARD QUALITf Orange Juice 2 cans 49c Tonwiystyj cs43c COEE PRICES REDUCED! uiin AMfiUfiinw A 1 7X: si 35c A Photo Markings Tend to Prove Mars Is Alive WASHINGTON (NG3) Ncw tvi dance that Mar la a living plaot marks th end Of a atx moalh Rl trununiezl txpdltlod of to Na tional Geographic Society and to Lowell otmrvatory ri Arit: "Mari It has fobe uld Dr Bllpher ratumlngurom Hloamfentoin South Africa 20000 he near neighbor' i IH things did not grow there changing with to seasons? th az troncmer reasoned from toe red deserts of Msrs would hav set tled long ago over its entire fae Th planet would be 11 oho KT CAPS AND CANALS Instead photographs mad with! to 27 lnch talcscop of Bloemfon Lamont 4fussy Obaarvatory sho clearly toe great blut gfeeni markings that characterize Martian geography Significant changes In I toezo were found Polar etpz gleam white frost I areas appear clouds and dust storms swirl across the Jtyfae At two nw izlnt and hazy but really were photo graphed for th first time Ex posure mad through colored colters penetrated the Martian at 1 moephere Mara in 1954" mad a near ap proach to earth closest in 13 years Observatories all over toe world led byjbe International Marg Com 1 mtttee joined a coordinated re search effort Th Mara Expedi to Bloemfontein played a leading part Bhould the mysterious markings of Mars caused by vegetation it i almoat certain to be extremely simple In nature much like toe lichens that cling to rocka where I nothing else can grow Hie red planet has little oxygen and less! wjtfer There resms leas than scant pquibUlty that any animal life bimi ilar to could exist under I' Martian conditions II Yet its change color I grow and shrink with the seasons I In areas of Martian soring Dr 1 1 SUpher found markings broader and more intense in color than any ha had seen la yean of observe Uon The Lowell astronomer Is one I mW of the recognized authorl DAI wlCJlIVE ties on th planets I 1 AAfcslWB last year? he said OU V)AP have been a very good and fertile I 7'l year on Mars" Certainly it hasll REG OE rf the CAKESAwV2 mus vouuuuce MARS BY TV I At Lowell Observatory as well was photographed for the first time by electronics A televlslon like situp projected an image on a large screen which in turn was recorded by a conventional camera Other experimenter in eighteen observatories spaced aeroaa the globe recorded temperatures on Mars measured its diameter more accurately for clues to Its internal structure and observed th strange clearing In the Martian at mosphere near the time of opposi tion While they study measure and map 1954s photographs astronom ers louk ahead to 1956 Another near toe last until will bring Mars then within 33000 000 miles and perhaps many of its mysteries to final aoinuon is if crrffrwr decided there be enough time for adequate workoute before next Wednesday entry in the internation 1 al marks the first time a reigning monarch has ever started a horse ta an American race Willie Snalth will ride toe 3 year old colt The winner of the mile and a half turf race receives a flat $50000 Each man woman and child in the United States c6nsuma 18 pounds of coffee annually Mentally Proficient Make Better ighters NEW YORK Th soldiers agreed in classifying them as goo I I I I 4 wlt 1 I it Pi h( ft 1 1 1 7 I I Ml 11 69c JI I 2 25c II la 9 I LANfitU Miff fib Ka 1 1 a azmmor JBhB Miss Pocahontas Will Be' in Rath's Black Hawk Special Our Store riday Aitemoon Siicod and JU! Day Saturday PSCOn Lb OJC Pocahontas TOP WESTERN STEER Catsup 21c Chuck Roast ocihonUaWK Cr Com2c33c Pork Roasi Pocahontas Tomato JOB END I LOIN END k45c R53c Pocahontas Blackeyed Boneless Baited Smithfield 303 711 Ham Oysters Smoked IT CoS i du Cans 1 Picnics Hans ryers OR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE OPEN EACH RIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 IK I i 11.

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

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Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.