Top 11 New and Upcoming Bethesda Games (2024)

With E3 2018 still fresh in our minds, we could not help but get excited about all the new games that we will be throwing our hard-earned money at in the near future. E3 had some pretty huge announcements this year, and among those were the long-awaited updates from Bethesda. In honor of an awesome game production company and their kick-ass portfolio of story driven games, wepresentto you the top 11 new and upcoming games from Bethesda:

1. Fallout 76

Fallout 76 Gameplay

The newest addition to Bethesda's post-apocalypticsurvivalseries,Fallout 76, will be a prequel to all previousFalloutGames.Fallout 76takes place 25 yearsafterearthwas ravaged by nuclearwar. Asa player, youareencouraged to work together with your fellow Vault 76 dwellers to rebuild afunctioningsociety out of the ashes ofnuclearfallout.

Here is what we know:

  • Fallout 76will be Bethesda's most ambitious open world game to date with an expansive map that is four times the size ofFallout 4's.

  • Fallout 76is the first in theFalloutseries to be an online multiplayerexperience. Players will have the option to play either individually or in a party with as many as 3 other players.

  • The game will not feature any NCPs—all characters on the map will be fellowFallout 76players.

Top 11 New and Upcoming Bethesda Games (1)

Emerge from the vault: Enter a wild, untamed wasteland and help your fellow vault dwellers rebuild society.

Top 11 New and Upcoming Bethesda Games (2)

Navigate a savage landscape: Discover powerful new foes and breathtaking locales.

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Explore the world: Brave the dangers of the world to find tons of new and powerful gear to defend your base.

2. The Evil Within 2 - 2017

The Evil Within 2 Gameplay


The Evil Within 2, the highly anticipated sequel to Bethesda'sThe Evil Within,was releasedinOctoberof2017, just in time for Halloween! This Resident Evil-esqueseries is creepy, complex, and downright spine-tingling at times.The Evil Within 2effortlessly combines elements of classic horror games with a fantastic, and surprisingly heartfelt, storyline. Sebastian Castellanos is back and more badass than ever with a new arsenal of highly effectivemonster-killingweapons, terrifying new enemies to decimate, and the drive to save his daughter from thehellscapethat Mobius created.

Here's what we know:

  • In classic Bethesda style,The Evil With 2features afirst-personmode—you know, justin caseyou wanted a closer look at the horrifying STEM monstrosities you'll be sprinting away from.

  • New Game Plus is back and better than ever! Aftercompletingthe game for the first time, you'll get some cool swag, a hand cannon (magnum), and TONS of green goo to give you a leg up during your next playthrough on the same difficulty.

  • Turn on letterboxing to add a more cinematic feel to your game—it'll be like you're playing a terrifying movie!

Top 11 New and Upcoming Bethesda Games (7)

Photo Finish: Face off against creepy foes and escape death by the skin of your teeth.
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Run, hide, or fight: Journey with Sebastian as he delves into the darkest parts of his psyche.

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The nightmare continues: Explore the broken world inside STEM and the nightmares that dwell within.

3. Dishonored: Death of the Outsider – 2017

Dishonored: Death of the Outsider Gameplay

Dishonored: Death of theOutsideristhe 2017 expansion pack following the events inDishonored 2. You play as Billie Lurk, an assassin whoattempts to plot and carry out an assassination. The Target? The Outsider—a mysticalbeing that grants superhuman powers to people ofitschoosing. In trueDishonoredstyle, you must make a choice at the end of your journey, one which, either way, will alter the world forever.

Here's what we know:

  • Chose a stealthy or head on approach to overcome the obstacles in your path—the choice, as always, is yours to make.

  • Activate Original Game Plus mode and utilize the powers fromDishonored 2.

  • InfiltrateKarnaca'sdarkest cults,fight clubs, and more to discover the truth behind your mission.

Top 11 New and Upcoming Bethesda Games (10)

Are you a good witch or a bad witch: Decide how Billie Lurk will use her powers and shape the future ofKarnaca.

Top 11 New and Upcoming Bethesda Games (11)

To kill or not to kill: When given the choice will you do the easy thing or the right thing?

4. Wolfenstein: Youngblood – 2019

Wolfenstein: Youngblood E3 Trailer

Not much is known aboutWolfenstein: Youngbloodthus far,as details were scarce at Bethesda's E3 conference. We do know, however,thatit will be coming out sometime in 2019—and hey, that's not too far off!

Here's what we know:

  • Wolfenstein:Youngbloodwillbe a co-op game

  • Players will get the choice to controlone of BJBlazkowicz'stwin daughters, Jess andSoph.

  • Wolfenstein: Youngbloodtakes place 19 years afterWolfenstein II: The NewColossusin the year 1980.

Top 11 New and Upcoming Bethesda Games (12)

Fight the power: Continue BJ's legacy as you battle powerful new foes to take back your country.

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Double the fun: You don't have to shoot Nazis alone—have a friend join your game!

5. Rage 2 – 2019

Rage 2 E3 Trailer

AlthoughRagedid not receive the acclaim that Bethesda had hoped for, we are all super pumped aboutRage 2. By now, we all know that Bethesda kicks ass when it comes to post-apocalyptic games, and,perhaps,after all the success that the company has seen with theirFalloutseries,Rage 2's timing couldn't be better. Could this sequel be the cash cow that Bethesda had hoped for with the first game? I guess we'll see in 2019!

Here's what we know:

  • Like the first game in the series (and like many of Bethesda's other games),Rage 2willbe an open-world first person shooter.

  • In the style of Mad Max (which I would say is rather appropriate given the setting), there will be vehicular combat withinRage 2.

  • Rage 2is set to release on MicrosoftWindows, XboxOne, andPlayStation4—they've got most bases pretty well covered (sorry, Switch users).

Top 11 New and Upcoming Bethesda Games (14)

You against the world: Discover new weapons and abilities to ramp up the carnage.

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He's much bigger up close: Terrifying new enemies to fight along with the return of old foes.

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Youain'tseennothin' yet: Explore an expansive new world and its various unique landscapes.

6. Doom Eternal – TBA

Doom Eternal E3 Teaser Trailer

Yet another Bethesda E3 announcement that left us with more questions than answers—we haven't even got a release year forDoom Eternal! They can't just give us an awesome little snippet and leave it at that … but they did. I guess that's why it's called a "teaser" trailer.

Here's what we know:

  • Doom Eternalis the sequel to Bethesda's 2016Doomreboot.

  • Doom Eternalwill take place on Earth, though, as we can see from the trailer, the worldhasbeen overrun by the forces of hell.

  • If you liked the combat style in 2016'sDoomreboot, you're in luck! It seems the combat inDoom Eternalwill be very similar, if not the same as its 2016 predecessor.

Top 11 New and Upcoming Bethesda Games (17)

Hope you like your earth toasty: Hell has taken over and brought the world to itsknees—do you have what it takes to save the world from almost certain destruction?

7. Quake Champions - 2017

Quake Champions Gameplay

Quake Championsis a first-person multiplayer shooter and part of theQuakeseries (if that was not already obvious).Quake Championsis an arena-based shooter with a plethora of playable characters thateachboastsunique abilities to help you be the last player standing. This is basically Bethesda's version ofSuper Smash Brothers, and it's awesome!

Here's what we know:

  • Quake Championsfeatures Bethesda characters from other series, such as BJBlazkowiczfromWolfenstein,and the Doom Slayer fromDoom.

  • Free-to-play option isavailablealong with a variety of purchasable characters.

  • Quake Championsis only available on PC due to console hardware limitations.

Top 11 New and Upcoming Bethesda Games (18)

Eliminate the competition in style: Choose from a ton of powerful characters with special abilities.

Top 11 New and Upcoming Bethesda Games (19)

Choose your battleground: New arenas and exotic locations!

8. Prey – 2017

Prey Gameplay

Preyis a sci-fi survival horror game set aboard a space station calledTalosI. You are Morgan Yu, and your goal is to escapeTalosI using your wits, and, obviously, tons of really cool weapons (in true Bethesda style) to fend off hostile alien attacks. Developed byArkaneStudios and produced by Bethesda,Preyis meantto be the spiritual successor toSystem Shock.

Here's what we know:

  • Preyis a first-person gaming experience with RPG and stealth elements.

  • TheMooncrashexpansion is a newgame modeforPreyreleased in June of 2018. You play as Peter, a hacker who is in charge of running various simulations to discover what happened on thePytheasMoonbase.

  • Preytakes place in an alternate timeline where the Kennedy assassination was unsuccessful, which, as a result, allowed President Kennedythe time he needed to pour more funding into NASA—thus is the basis for the plot.

Top 11 New and Upcoming Bethesda Games (20)

You're going to need a bigger gun: Terrifying alien enemies to fight … or hide from.

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Danger,Will Robinson: Explore theTalosI and uncover its secrets.

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Get out alive: Will you escape or becomeprey?

9. Elder Scrolls VI – TBA

Elder Scrolls VI E3 Teaser Trailer

It's finally happening! Well … sort of. We know now that Bethesda definitely has a new Elder Scrolls in the works, but realistically, they probably won't start dedicating any real time to it untilStarfieldlaunches. We pretty much know zero aboutElder Scrolls VIwhen it comes to plot, characters, setting, release date, etc. But, we do have renewed hope that it will be coming … eventually.

Here's what we know:

  • It will take place inTamriel—that's a given. But which region(s)? No idea. While there havebeenunconfirmedreportsthat the new ES game will take place inHammerfellorValenwood, we haven't heard anything from the horse's mouth yet. Detailsfrom Bethesda at E3 were definitely scant.

  • Bethesda is obviously not very far into the production of this game if all we got was a 30 second teaser trailer and virtually no other info, so it's going to be a while before we hear about a releasedate—maybe 2020-ish if we're lucky?

  • Todd Howard, the creative brains behind Elder Scrolls, eluded to the fact that the technology for theElder Scrolls VIthat he wants to create doesn't even exist yet. So, there's that too...

Top 11 New and Upcoming Bethesda Games (23)

A tantalizing mystery: We can't wait to hear more about this exciting new game!

10. Starfield – TBA

Starfield E3 Trailer

We were totally blown away by the stunning visuals of Bethesda'sStarfieldtrailer. However, like theirElder Scrolls VIannouncement, Bethesda left much to be desired in terms of details fortheirnew space-themed game. It seems that even Todd Howard, who is in charge of the project, does not know what the hardware requirements for the game will be. We are super excited to learn more about this game, and we hope we receive more details aboutStarfieldsooner rather than later.

Top 11 New and Upcoming Bethesda Games (24)

Huston, we have a video game ... sort of: Little is known aboutStarfield, but we are on the edge of our seats for more info!

11. Elder Scrolls Legends - 2017

Elder ScrollsLegendsGameplay

Originally released in 2017,Elder Scrolls Legendsis a free-to-playdigitalstrategycard game for mobile systems and PC. ESL is comparable to digital card games like Hearthstone. All of the cards are based on characters, creatures, and items found in theElder Scrollsgames.Soif you are a fan of card games and Elder Scrolls, this could be just the game for you!

Here's what we know:

  • Elder Scrolls Legendsis acollectablecard game, not a trading card game.

  • There are currently twoexpansionsets available for the game:Heroes of SkyrimandReturn to Clockwork City.

  • Bethesdaannouncedat E3 2018 thatElder Scrolls Legendsis planned to be released on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and the Nintendo Switch sometime in the near future.

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Pick your poison: Choose from an array of classic Elder Scrolls races and classes.

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Test your skills: challenge other players to epic Elder Scrolls duels

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Create the ultimate army: Build your own decks todevastateyour opponents

Well, there you have it—our top 11 picks for new and upcoming Bethesda games! Think we missed any? Please let us know in the comments below—we'd love to hear from you!

Top 11 New and Upcoming Bethesda Games (2024)


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